First Touch supports Kangaroo Care Awareness Day

As well as providing outstanding medical care to the babies on the NNU, the fantastic staff are forever going the extra mile to give families positive experiences and make lovely memories. Today’s celebration of Kangaroo Care Day today was no exception.
The theme of this year’s event was “Embrace The Magic”, and that’s just what happened.
First Touch were delighted to fund special “That’s Not my Kangaroo” books for all the parents to read when snuggling with their babies.
Families were also given gorgeous knitted kangaroos courtesy of our wonderful friends at Handmade With Love For Preemies and Speech Therapist, Nicole made some delicious kangaroo biscuits.
But “Embrace The Magic” has deeper meaning. This simple cuddling technique brings many special physical benefits, stabilizing baby’s breathing, heart rate and temperature and reducing stress hormones in both baby and parent. Magic indeed!
If you have any photos of you having kangaroo cuddles with your little one from your time on the NNU we would absolutely love to see them. Please email them to us as [email protected]