Who we are

Our charity, initially called ‘Friends of the Neo Natal Unit at St George’s” was formed in 1998 by a parent, Elaine Powell, and staff nurses Jeannie Walls, Ellen Walsh and Catrin Grady to raise money to improve the parent bedrooms on the unit. The neonatal Unit then, as now, was a centre of excellence for premature and sick babies but like all hospitals, there was little provision to support parents.

None of the founders had any fundraising experience but they were full of passion and when they achieved their initial goal, the charity continued to raise funds for other items for the unit.

The charity soon captured the imagination of the grateful families who wanted to give something back as thanks for the outstanding care their precious babies had received on the unit and so the charity grew.

In 2004, Sarah Collins took over the running of the charity, after serving as a volunteer since 2001. Sarah’s daughter, Isobel, had been cared for on the Neonatal Unit, and Sarah was keen to give something back. In her 20 years at the helm, through her hard work, vision and creativity, Sarah helped to transform the charity into the First Touch we have today.

Over the years we have supported thousands of babies and their families, through funding equipment, specialist staff training and numerous welfare projects, including setting up the groundbreaking role of Family-Centred Care Coordinator.

“Charlie was born 10 weeks early at Kingston Hospital and was blue lighted to St George's for surgery. The First Touch charity were there for Clare and me in our time of need. They found accommodation at the hospital, provided us with food, support, and everything we could have needed to care for ourselves and Charlie.

Now she's a happy healthy little baby who loves coming out in her Old Kingstonian Hockey colours on Saturdays and supporting Daddy and the club. We couldn't be more proud of our little fierce fighter.

We decided to organise a fun event in April, raising donations for First Touch to say thanks and to help other parents going through a stressful and overwhelming time. It is fantastic how charities like First Touch help provide support for parents in need.”

Michael Wood