Willow was born on the 7th April 2024 at St George’s Hospital via C-Section. It was a total surprise welcoming Willow so soon as she was born at 25 weeks+3 days, weighing 850 grams. Despite having a low risk pregnancy as Willow was very premature, my partner and I were aware of the difficulties she would face.
As soon as Willow was delivered the Doctors had to act fast as her heart rate was extremely low and she was surrounded by Doctors resuscitating her. My partner watched as the Doctors fought to save her, she was quickly taken to the ICU in the neonatal unit. Willow depended on 100% oxygen using the ventilators as her lungs were very premature.
Until I recovered well enough from my C-Section, for several weeks my partner and I were given a room in the unit to stay in so that we could be seconds away from our baby girl. It really meant the world to us to be able to be so close to her and to have somewhere my partner could stay too as beforehand he had to sleep on the chair next to my bedside in the ward upstairs.
First Touch played a huge role in Willow’s journey and supporting us. Each day my partner and I were given vouchers to help with cost of food for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Which really helped as it’s easy to lose motivation to do anything when you just want to be with your baby all day when they are so poorly. I was given so many handy items by First Touch, pumps, water bottles, bags, snacks, drinks alongside food vouchers that could be used in the restaurant, books to read to Willow whilst sitting next to her incubator, framed hand/footprints, clothes for Willow and even more!
The nurses played a special part of Willow’s journey as we watched them care for her each day as we sat by her incubator. I remember all of the names of Willow’s nurses and let me tell you they are Super Humans! Not only do they look after your baby but they look after you too. We had countless sleepless nights in fear of leaving our baby or waking to a knock on our door to give us notice if she wasn’t doing well. The nurses and family support staff were all heaven sent and I am grateful for them all.
As days turned into weeks, Willow’s lungs showed no signs of improvement and showed evident signs she had Chronic Lung Disease. Her lungs were still too premature which made it difficult for her to breathe independently and she continued to remain on 100% oxygen. We had several scares; every single day was a nightmare but all we could do is cherish the time we had with her, remaining hopeful. Having the thought that our baby could die each day haunted us. Every day we fed her, changed her nappies and assisted wherever we could.
Eventually, we heartbrokenly watched Willow’s heart rate go down each day until 02nd May 2024 when she sadly passed in my arms. We had 28 days with our darling angel, 28 days she fought which we can only be thankful for. She showed us so much strength and courage. She made Mummy and Daddy so proud. We hope to continue honouring Willow as she really changed our lives. I love you, Daddy loves you we hope we can make you proud Wills. Rest in Perfect Peace.
Thank you First Touch.